How I use Schoology in a High School Library

Welcome! Today I wanted to tackle the topic of how I use Schoology in our Library. We’ve been using Schoology for a few years now, and here are some ways I’ve found it helpful to incorporate the LMS in the #librarylife.


Initially, I began creating shared resource folders for my teachers. I found this similar to a LibGuide, but it was only accessible to students who were logged into our Schoology platform.

Creating the folders are easy. I started by heading over to resources and creating a shared Library Resources folder. Then, I share the Library Resources folder with all of the teachers in my school. This part probably took the longest, just because we have so many teachers!

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I then put individual project folders in my Library Resources, so that teachers can easily add them to their course. Teachers find the Library Resource folder under their Resource>Shared by Others.

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So, what do I put into my folders? All sorts of things that I may find helpful! I like to use the page feature of Schoology, and add images as links to my various databases to support their research. I will add in any usernames and passwords the databases may require. I also add in a link to Destiny and sometimes even tutorial videos I’ve created if I am unable to meet with the classes via zoom or face to face.

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Using Shared Resource folders has been a great way to get into the platform that students are already using and by teachers placing on of my folders into their existing course, it’s one less place for students to have to click to find while researching!

Non-Graded Course

At the beginning of this school year, I wanted to have more of an individual presence on Schoology, so I asked our administrators to create a non-graded course for the Library in our SIS, Sapphire. All students in the building are then enrolled into the course so when Sapphire and Schoology sync, all the students are enrolled in my Schoology course.

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One of the main advantages to using a course in Schoology is that all of the students have access. That gives me the ability to email all students, post updates, and provide them with content they need.

I’m still using Shared Resources for actual projects, but I like that the students have a place in their learning platform that is just for the Library. I’ve had so many students reach out to me via Schoology this year with questions, so that is a definite win!

In case you were wondering, I do have a Library website that I use and update regularly, but this helps to integrate directly into a platform they already use with less clicks!

Using Schoology as allowed me to completely drop my LibGuide. While that service had it’s benefits, I was tired of having multiple platforms to keep updated. While Schoology certainly has it’s flaws, using it in the Library has been easy and beneficial to my students.


The Semi-Genrefied Library


2020 Reading List